Tuesday 21 April 2015

Decor : A Sweet Spring Refresh

Hey guys!

It's no secret I love decorating, and when spring rolls around my creativity really starts flowing. Suddenly, Pinterest is full of bright, cheery, home decor posts, the sun starts shining, and I get inspired!

Now, this could go one of two ways: budget friendly and chic, or budget obliterating and also pretty chic.

Of course I chose budget friendly. It wouldn't be me if I didn't!

I'm a huge follower of the "shop what you've got" philosophy, because not only does it save you money, but it also helps you see the treasures you already have in a better light, and refresh multiple rooms at once! More enjoyment = more bang for your buck, which makes it an even smarter purchase! How can you go wrong??

I literally only bought 2 new pieces for my living room, the rest were moved around and harvested from other rooms. Keep reading to check out my tips!

Pictured above is what you see when you first walk into my living room. The couch we bought from my Grandmother when she moved, and are in incredible shape, and so comfy cozy. I love the look of blankets draped over furniture, it just gives such a warm, lived in feel. The large white one I've had for years, and the grey fuzzy one was a Christmas gift. The pillows were purchased from Target before it closed with a gift card I got for Christmas.

The only new pieces are the carpet, and the lampshade. Both were purchased at Walmart for around $20 each. The lamp was given to me, and I re-painted it white. It doesn't really work anymore, there's a loose wire somewhere, but I use it mainly as decoration and for the bite built in stand on it.

I adore this carpet! It's small, but the print is so pretty, and provides a little interest for the eye in the room, tying together the colors I have. It's also really nice to have something soft and cozy to put your feet on when relaxing on the couch. The cats love it, too!

I had to show a close up of my gorgeous curtain sheers, which were purchased at Walmart when we bought the house last July. They were also only around $20. They are this adorable, shabby chic, country vibe, the exact style I love love love! Everyone who comes in gives me so many sweet compliments on them, and I love the way they flutter in a summer breeze.

To the left of the couch is a little love seat, aka the cats' chair. 90% of the time it's covered in a quilt so they don't unwittingly claw it up with their paws. They're good kitties and don't claw furniture, but sometimes when they play it just happens. I really only uncover it for pictures or when friends come over. On the plus side, how cute are my little John Deere accessories? The blanket was my husbands baby blanket, and the pillow was a gift to my husband. John Deere is our thing!

Beside the love seat is the adorable Target-inspired end table feautured in this post!

The circle chair is beside that, a house favourite. This thing has a serious vortex, everyone who comes over is sucked into this chair, and it's so comfortable!

Previously, I had old wooden crates stacked against this wall like shelves, but I decided I wanted to use them for something else. To fill up the dead space, I brought over a cute white mirror that came with a dresser I plan on re-finishing for the guest room. I love the dresser, but am not a huge fan of mirrors attached to them, it just feels so 90's to me. But the mirror was big, the frame a nice colour, and the glass in excellent shape, so I knew I had to do something.

I had it in my bedroom, but it was really just too awkward in there. I decided to bring it out and place it agains the wall to open up the room more. I then placed my potato box come end table up against it. My sequin shade lamp was the perfect topper, because when the sun hits it just right in that spot it fills the room with glitter! Also, the light bounces off the mirror when the lamp is on, filling up the room with more light.

I hate the way movies look in a tv stand, it just looks so bachelor pad-ish. I decided to designate my wooden boxes as inserts to house Eric and I's growing DVD collection. I love the end result. It has that country vibe, and is neat and organized. The very bottom centre box hides all the ugly cords, and the XBOx 360 that is used like once a year. It's simple to pull out if we decide to use anything behind there.

The basket on top houses controllers, cords, and my laptop when I'm not using it. I really only use it for downloading music every few weeks. Most of my blogging is done from my iPhone and my computer at work after hours, because my laptop now is pretty old and slow. I'm saving up to hopefully get a MacBook sometime, but for now I'm happy with what I have! It makes it so I can work on my blog anywhere, anytime, which is really rather convenient!

So as you can see, it's really easy to freshen up a room for the season of sunshine with just a bit of creativity and very little money! I love the way the room came together!

What's on your agenda for your home this spring?

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