Here in Canada, it was just Thanksgiving weekend!
In case you are unaware, the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday is more focused on being thankful, for our health, for the harvest, and for our families and friends. It doesn't have too much to do with any settlers or anything like that, just the day of, my favourite word, plenty.
This thanksgiving was particularly exciting for me, all of my best friends who have scattered on up to the Fredericton area to start their lives, returned down home to my neck of the woods! My best friend Laura even stayed most of the weekend with me at my house! We had endless best friend nights watching movies, drinking wine, laughing our butts off watching movies and comedy skits. So refreshing, just what the soul needed.
Thing I'm Thankful For: Best Friend Visits
On Saturday, we went for a hike with Kelsey. Hiking I've always loved, but with my recent health problems over the last three years, but are now, thankfully free and clear, I'm getting back into at the sides of two of my best girlfriends. We hiked out to a gorgeous waterfall a few towns away.
Thing I'm Thankful For: Being Healthy and Able To Spend Time With My Best Friends in Nature
Now, I'm short and squat, not really built for hiking like my long legged skinny friends, but I make do. You're sensing the foreshadowing...aren't you?
Long story short, to get to the waterfall, you had to jump from the shore to a rock. I didn't make it.
Holding on to Kelsey's hand, i lept, and initially sunk the landing. Cheers! Except then my foot slipped off the rock, and the book bag I was wearing slipped to the side, throwing me off balance, and plunging me into the river!!!
Without hanging onto Kelsey, I totally would of fell a lot worse and been totally soaked! They were convinced I was hurt, but nope! Totally fine! Just a pulled arm muscle and a little scrape on my eye. I was lucky!
Thing I'm Thankful For: Kelsey Always Having My Back
They were so sweet, fawning over me, making sure I was ok and saying we could go home. I was now soaked, but totally laughing my butt off. Of COURSE me, the always uncoordinated one, would fall into the darn river. But I only face planted.... No way was I calling it quits, I wanted to see that waterfall! My fall was not going to bein vain!
I reach into my backpack (which wasn't too wet) to grab my phone to take a picture.... No phone.
We race back to where I fell, and Laura sees it, my less than a year old iPhone 6 laying at the bottom of the crossing where I fell. She saved it.
Thing I'm Thankful For: Laura Always Saving the Day!
After towelling it off, it was the moment of truth. Was it a goner?
No. It wasn't. Full bars, full wifi connectivity, full sound, the only thing I lost was the touch screen! Totally fixable, people smash the screens out of their iPhones daily!
Thing I'm Thankful For: Apple Technology!
The rest of the day was awesome, and went off without a hitch. Except when my wet foot slipped and I fell AGAIN on the trail, but whatever. I was fine.
The purpose of this post is not only to make you laugh and share my misfortunes, but to illustrate the true meaning of the thanksgiving season. I fell, got soaked, broke a very expensive phone, yes. But I wasn't hurt. My friends were there for me. I laughed it off.
It's important to be positive. Everything in that situation could be fixed. I would dry off, my phone can be fixed. Those things were so minor. I was with. My two oldest, best friends witnessing something so beautiful. I wasn't hurt, nothing was broken, nothing was bleeding. Aside from a bruised ego, everything was right in my world.
This thanksgiving, don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh without abandon, enjoy the little things. Hug your family and friends close and put the phone down. It's refreshing to not have my iPhone for a while.
Wishing you all the best,
Xoxox Court
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