Tuesday, 22 September 2015

How to Have the Best Day Ever! (And an Instagram Roundup!)

Guys, I've had an "AhHa!" Moment.

For a little bit, I've been kind of stressing out about turning 25 this coming winter. When I was a kid, 25 was that magic number that I had in my head where I just imagined all my life goals and dreams would come true, and in a way, they sort of did. I have a house, a wonderful husband, loving family and great career, among countless other blessings. 

But I don't feel set yet.

In fact, I kind of feel like a giant 12 year old stuffed in an adult's body.

When did I come an adult?? *shudder*

In my newly, more conscious of myself state, I've been trying very hard to work on who I am on the inside. That mainly consists of putting an emphasis on family, giving back to my community and world that's blessed me so much, growing closer to God (my Grandmother would be so so proud, no longer is it "uncool" to attend church, shame on me for thinking that) as well as becoming a more poised and kind young lady. Or maybe just lady. Maybe I'm too old to call myself a young lady.

*shudder again*

Through my work, I've started doing daily "mini" devotionals, where I've downloaded a cute little scripture app on my iPhone that gives me a little verse of the day. From there, I write it in my little notebook, put my thoughts on what the verse means to me, and write a note to God on what I need help with that day. It's surprisingly grounding, and I've been pleasantly surprised on how the last little bit the verses have directly corresponded to what's been on my mind that day.

The devotionals help me keep on track. They remind me to be kind, be patient, and be the light I want to see in the world. However, there are days where it's hard to let your little light shine.

On Monday, I had a case of the Mondays so horribly. I woke up late, had 1 Million problems jump in my face the second I walked in the door, and I let it get to me. Because I let myself get so stressed, I was not kind to my co-workers, and it set the tone for the rest of the day. Not only did my grumpy mood soil their days, but even once I cheered up, it soiled the rest of my day, because I felt so bad about being so grumpy!

It was then I realized I'm responsible for my own happiness and the kind of day I give myself, and right then and there I decided, yup, it's time to change.

After my little devotional to center myself, I employed my new little tricks to have the Best Day Ever!

1. Wake up Early 

I've done this in the past, and it's worked wonders, however, I just got back into it. I try to wake up at least 2 hours before I need to step out the door, so if I want to be out the door at 7:30am, I get up at 5:30. This gives you lots of time to wake up, stretch, check out your social media reading and whatnot, and do everything you have to do without being rushed and harried. I even have time to load and unload the dishwasher, thus having a clean kitchen when I get home, and it just makes my mood so much better. 

2. Do at Least One Small Thing that Makes You Happy Before You Leave

Watch a funny video, message a friend, spend a good few minutes playing with your pet, make sure you give yourself some quality happy time before letting the tasks of the day crowd your thinking. For me, I usually allow myself five quiet minutes before getting ready to sip my coffee and scroll through Instagram, which is one of my Happy Places!

3. Remember Your Blessings

This one can be a tough one, especially on the days you wake up and the world just seems to scream "Nope!" at you, but it's essential. I started doing this after recovering from Cancer, where as soon as I would open my eyes, I would just take a couple of deep breaths and just feel how good the air felt coming in and out of my lungs, pain free, and easy. It's the simplest most basic thing, and some people don't have that luxury! For so long during and after Cancer, I was in such pain and so weak that it was even difficult to breathe. I always take a moment to be thankful for my health. I also think about stuff that puts a smile on my face, something funny my Husband recently said, my cats, the beautiful flower blooming in my garden, just think of 3 things around you that make you smile.

4.  Practice Good Karma

On your way to work, classes, wherever you need to be during the day, try to spread the kindness. Throw an extra quarter in a parking meter, let someone merge into your lane, stop and smile at the waiting pedestrian and let them cross, pay it forward and pay for someone's coffee. You'v been the one in the wrong lane trying to merge out, and you know how it makes your day when someone lets you in with a smile, mistakes happen, and don't scowl at you and flip you off for getting caught in the wrong lane. You've been the pedestrian late for work, trying to cross the busy street, you know how nice it is for a driver to stop and let you go. Even if you're running late, be kind, and you'll get it back tenfold.

I hope my little words of wisdom help you have your best days ever, as well as spread a little sunshine around you!

Here are some things that made my day great this Tuesday!

Finally being able to wear my very favourite sweater!

Rocking out to my favourite tunes while stuck in traffic. 45 more minutes onto my commute means 45 more minutes for belting out Katy Perry!

Being able to put this pretty pink on my lips!

Remember, it's the little things!

Xoxo -Court

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